This part of the documentation covers all the interfaces of Mara Superset. For parts where the package depends on external libraries, we document the most important right here and provide links to the canonical documentation.

Metadata Synchronization

mara_superset.metadata.update_metadata(update_strategy: Optional[mara_superset.metadata.UpdateStrategy] = None) bool

Updates descriptions of tables & fields in Superset, creates metrics and flushes field caches


update_strategy: How the metadata should be updated. If not defined the value from config.metadata_update_strategy().

mara_superset.metadata.superset_description(entity: Union[mara_schema.entity.Entity, mara_schema.metric.SimpleMetric, mara_schema.metric.ComposedMetric, mara_schema.attribute.Attribute])

Returns the description of the item

mara_superset.metadata.superset_metric_expression(metric: Union[mara_schema.metric.SimpleMetric, mara_schema.metric.ComposedMetric])

Turn a Mara Schema metric into a a sql formula

mara_superset.metadata.superset_metric_d3format(metric: Union[mara_schema.metric.SimpleMetric, mara_schema.metric.ComposedMetric]) str

Turns the metric number format into a D3 format.

See: https://github.com/d3/d3-format

Superset API Client

class mara_superset.client.SupersetClient

A client class for interacting with the Superset API

See also: https://superset.apache.org/docs/api